Wednesday 11 November 2009

Giving time, time

Yesterday was H's 4th birthday. How time flies........I remember holding her in my arms when she was just 2 weeks old. A new wonderful life was born and a very trying time for me. And I remember how I tried very hard to keep my emotions in check but I guess it showed too clearly. In some ways, I have yet to make peace with what happened. The pain is still there. But I also realized that it is fading away. Slowly but surely. Insyallah.

Tuesday 29 September 2009

The Letter

I did wonder how it is going to be like. The scenario. Of course nothing dramatic will happen. And they knew it will come. Just a matter of time. But still..........

How true when they said it takes a lot of courage to move out from one's comfort zone. After a very long thought, discussions with Mr. Hub and Ma, I guess it is time before one's mind is being mould into one straight road without the capability of seeing things from all sorts of angles.

And I did feel an inner peace and strength when I came to the decision of submitting the letter. Yes, my first resignation letter in the history of my working life.

Tuesday 25 August 2009

Missing the Owl

12 hours of time difference is separating us. When I'm about to have my lunch, he is ready for bed. At times, it can be very difficult for us but the determination to hold on and the ties between 2 hearts makes us want to persevere.

Bulan rindukan Pungguk.

Tuesday 18 August 2009

One of Them

Well, well, well.

I thought this day will never come. I am one of them now :)